Friday, April 23, 2010

Economic Re-seekCovery

There is one person who reads this blog and he's a Kool-Aid drinking leftist, and quite possibly one of the smartest person I know, so maybe he can help me out with this. What the fuck is going on with our economy?

I could go through what both sides (not political sides, economic schools of thought) are saying, but lets just boil this down in my mind to the two most important questions I have.

First - If the economy is recovering and you've brought us back from the brink of the edge, why oh why is the interest rate still at zero? Since you can't have a negative interest rate it would seem that if anything else happen our backs are a little against the wall being at the lowest rate already.

Second - Why does no one but the institution, Federal Reserve, have any oversight over the finacial actions of said bank? Shouldn't we the people have an idea who is getting our money, when, how much, and why? I hear from Washington the word Accountablility, but have noticed a real lack coming from them.

It seems to reason that anyone who takes a particular stance on anything now a days without demanding full disclosure a complete moron. Health Care Mandate(*) should be one of the most troubling events in my lifetime, but it pales in comparison to the Bail Outs, Wars we're in, and US citizens turning into sheeple by proxy.

(*)Words are very important, especially in a day when the incorrect ones can be passed with even the veilest of excuse draped over them and the public accepting them. When a noun requires, another important word, you to purchase a noun by way of taxation and/or retribution judicial procedure, it ceases to be a reform and starts becoming a fucking mandate. Or obligation. Or command. Or order. Or if you're a redneck, some'in you have to do.

Guide me Obi Wan, this shit is driving me nuts.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My drug of choice is the written word.

Mastery of any art is the only true form of immortality one can aspire. Of all the forms of art which would be considered the most difficult to achieve, the Shiner Bock of beers if you will. (Yeah that's right I crowned Shiner Bock as the best beer ever, and for anyone who has seen my facebook page it's made from Jesus's tears. Hint's the "Holy hell this is good!" when Bock virgins first sample the divine nectar.) As you can deduce from the title I'm a proponent of literature, and think strong arguments can me made for the master of the quill against the rest.

I was going to add more, but this being my first post in some time I don't want to push to hard. It's like cleaning out your pipes, you need to take it slow or you might pull something.

By the way I thought this was a great work, 50 points to who ever can guess the subject.